Archive for Airport

Elections and Farewells

So today was election day, which is quite a big deal given the history and current situation here in South Africa. These were my first ever elections and it really is something rather special to be able to say that you’ve taken part in such a big event.

Anyway, apart from the elections, today was also the day that Debra, Steve and all the kiddies fly back to England. We had one last lunch with them at Ariane’s house before driving them to the airport. It was a nice sort of farewell, no waterworks, just a pleasant goodbye. I suppose it helps that Ariane is going to see them in a few weeks or so, but still, it wasn’t anything too heavy… We had some fun at the airport too, managed to get some nice photos of Ariane which was quite fun. I love how she’s so encouraging about my photography and how supportive of it she’s become. So afterwards, Ariane came over and we had some couple time, something which we haven’t really been able to have and it was just plain awesome. I loved every second of it, and there’s just nothing like laughing your head off with your special person. But hey, time’s a wasting and I have to go tidy my room now.