Archive for Blog

Life in technicolour

I love this line, there’s something about the idea of living in a world where everything is at its most vibrant and beautiful. There’s something about the idea of being able to live and see the world in a way which people strive their entire lives to capture on a roll of film. There’s something about finding colour in black and white and there’s something overwhelmingly positive, idealistic and determined about life in technicolour. Why should we sacrifice our idealism for a world of colour in order to conform to a colourless world? This is my theme for the next few weeks. Life in technicolour. Just because I’m a idealist :)

Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic, June 2008

Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic, June 2008

For the girls leaving on a jet plane

For the Eurotripping Girls

Travel with the heart of adventure. Seek freedom from limits and imaginary lines. The east and the west are yours, and the north and the south are yours. The efflux of the Soul is happiness- here is happiness;
I think it pervades the open air, waiting at all times; let yourself be rightly charges, let the happiness flow on to you. Read the rest of this entry »

Champagne Supernova

Champagne Supernova

– A day of setting up and packing away
– A night of beautiful dances, gorgeous girls and handsome boys.
– Tables overflowing with lights, warm candle glows and soft fairy lights.
– Four speeches that touched my heart. I don’t know how to say thank you to all you, without you in my life, the world would not be what it is. Thank you for all that you’ve done. Every little thing.
– Lots of dancing and very loud music.
– A little girl, with a gap in between her teeth, wondered around and stalk a big girl called Narny.

Thank for the most amazing evening. You made it everything I wished for.

Thank you Chel for staying till the end, for keeping me going, for being there, for never saying no, for everything that you do, for the smiles you bring and for the hugs you give, for being beautiful and for your precious speech that made me smile so much (outside and inside)

Thank you Narny for setting up with me the whole day, for taking such great photos, you looked amazing, for looking after everything and for being wonderful, it would’ve been so impossible without my possum and I loved every moment of it

Thank you Annie, for answering my SOS, for playing hostess and for cleaning up wine spills, the dress looked stunning on you and thank you for wearing your purple shoes, thank you for making everything (including the speech) exactly how I wanted it.

Thank you Vee, for making magic and delivering a speech that rendered me speechless, for your presence there, always and for being the one who always has the answers.

Thank you Tina, for the music, for your songs, your words and your smile. You are the coolest Greek-Zimbo in the world and I’m so glad to have you around in my life.

Thank you mommy for all the work, and the stressing, and the picking up of food and for doing all the work. You are the bestest mommy in the whole wide world

Thank you Hsin for helping, for taking pictures, for doing everything and for being the bestest little sister in the whole wide world

I love all of you guys, much much and always. x

Kate, James and Micah

Narny, Charls and Zo


Vee, Me, Faye and Micah

Me, Ash and Kate

Paddy, Vee and Anouk


Annie and Chel

Matt, Me and Adam

Chep, Narns, Faye and Nick

Chris and Justine

Me, Matt and Cath

Me and Ash

Chris and Me

Lauren, Me and Chelsea

Narns and Charls

Faye and Micah

Paddy and Sarah

Paddy and Sarah

Me and Tina

Me and Sarah

Me and Chel

Matt and Cath

A girl becomes a big person

Happy birthday my Annie :) Thank you for the beautiful party, thank you for being wonderful, thank for always being there, thank you my Annie. Love you lots, happy 21st. x


Me and Chel

Ann and Di


Ann and Patrick

Patrick and Ann

Ann and Patrick

Ann and Patrick

Ann cutting cake 2

Ann cutting cake 1

Ann and Chel

Ann, me and Chel

Me and Ann

Chel and Ann

Mallin by light

James and Chels

Annie by light

Chel ii

Chel i

Di and Rouen

No title

I can’t remember the last time I felt this awful. How do you blog about something you don’t want to remember?

I’m so tired. I’m so sorry.

I really am.

Happy birthday little big girl

The dancer
Annie being Annie and dancing away while scouting my venue :)

The birthday girl
Yay, she’s all grown up now!

The birthday girl trying to make a list
Hmm, trying to decide what to eat took an awfully long time. Really now…

Clearly, this is a discussion about boys. The consensus, as always, is that boys are stupid.

A boy and his girl-in-hiding
This one doesn’t like photos :)

The girl-in-hiding's cousin-in-hiding
This one, being the girl-in-hiding’s cousin-in-hiding, also, doesn’t like photos much…

May 7


We do have a rather beautiful campus don’t we? It’s as if it is a painting :)

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girls with my girl in my arms :) SHAMIES, she was feeling sick today, the poor little thing, x

A summary of May 6

– A terrible Test

– A terrible Champion’s League Semi.

– Didn’t get to see Ariane

– My plans broke down

– Photocopying Machines ate away an hour of my life.

Monday blues

Just because I love these two so much :)

Ann and Chel

It’s been a pretty slow Monday, but I think I have an essay topic for Religion and Modernity, and I have 26 sources for it, which makes me happy – cause I’m nerdy like that :)

Self portraits on Kloof – UPDATE

Wow, so another week gone by, which means a) Ann’s birthday is now next week; b) My birthday is now the week after; c) the 3 essays plus test week is now also the week after and d) exams and my 21st are now the week after that. So basically, life is about to go crazy. Starting now. Whoop whoop!

Had a wonderful day out with Chel and Annie today, we went to the Labia to watch The curious case of Benjamin Button, it was a beautiful movie, sad, but ultimately an enchanting movie with a beautifully attractive style of cinematography. The movie essentially revolves around the diary of Benjamin Button and it made me somewhat regretful of my futile attempts at recording the moments which have made up my life. All the big moments which, all the small simple fragments of time with incidents that I loved and treasured. I suppose part of the reason why photography is so important to me is that I know it’s the only way, and my best way, of capturing all those moments that I want to remember, however small and mundane they may be. Anyway, I haven’t seen a movie with Ann and Chel since forever pretty much, and I hope it happens more frequently in the future (*cough cough* yes, that’s you two who’re reading this now, er, HINT HINT NUDGE NUDGE). In our own, special and typical fashion, we decided to run around aimlessly (okay, it initially had an aim, but that soon fell away) and take photos of ourselves while looking cute. Okay, maybe that’s just typical James fashion [certainly the looking cuuuute part ;p] but it was still great fun :) Dropped Chel at home afterwards and I stayed at Ann’s for a bit because I wanted to visit Ariane, but I knew she was having supper with Caitlin’s mom, so I had to wait it out… (see all the effort I made Narny!).

I eventually arrived at Ariane’s, and was greeted at the door by my darling sweetheart, with wine in hand. It seems that she’s become a bit of a wine enthusiast (and this is not yet a euphemism, but it may well be in three weeks time ;)). After some dining table chitchat, we decided to migrate to Ariane’s room because Zoe was feeling ill and we felt that squeezing onto Ariane’s bed was just what was going to make her feel better. So while she “chilled”, Ariane studied, and I studied Ariane’s shoulders. It was a great arrangement for everyone :) Anyway, after a debate about food, Ariane’s mommy bought me some pasta (awwwww) and it was wonderfully delicious. Sadly, by this point Zoe was suitable hazardous, so we made her a bed, brought in the tissues and prayed like mad that those Mexican pigs Zoe was talking about was actually a joke, and not the real thing (but if this blog doesn’t get updated in the next week, you know what happened…).

And that, dear friends, is my tale of the day.

p.s. thank you for the incremental increases in blog hits. x

UPDATE: Totally forgot to mention this, and it is absolutely crucial that everyone knows that we went to Sinnfull AND that Annie bought two gorgeous dresses AND that Chellie bought a stunning top!